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Co-curricular School Activites

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Sports at RISHS International CBSE School Mangadu


Inclusion of games in our curriculum of studies is very important for the physical & mental wellbeing of our students.

Art & Craft

In our Art & Craft classes our students are taught a variety of skills like - creativity, confidence, visual learning, decision making, perseverance, collaboration and accountability.

Art and Craft at RISHS International CBSE School Mangadu
Value Education Classes at RISHS International CBSE School Mangadu

Value Education Classes

Value education classes are an integral part of our school where moral values are enhanced through activities.


Dance education aids the development of kinesthetic intelligence, creating opportunities for self-expression and communication.

Cowboy Dance Perfrormance - Annual Day Celebrations 2023, RISHS International School
Music at RISHS International CBSE School Mangadu


The music classes in our school serves as a platform for creating tiny musicians of all genres and skill levels. It enables them to learn vocals, rhythm and pitch in singing and to use instruments like keyboard, drums and guitar. It also helps to showcase their talent at various events in inter school and intra school competitions.

Heritage Club

It helps in creating awareness and in preserving and promoting our varied and rich ancient culture and traditions, among the young learners. It conducts various activities including educational excursions, which enable the students to appreciate the traditions, culture and religious diversity of our country. From heritage walk and tours to documentation work, students enjoy the activities

Heritage Club at RISHS International CBSE School Mangadu
Spice Club at RISHS International CBSE School Mangadu

Spice Club

Learning to cook helps children to learn about nutrition, healthy eating, multi tasking, fast pace decision making, cleanliness and co-ordination The club not only aims at giving children solid base knowledge about Cookery, but also helps to bring out their creativity, boost their self-esteem, give them an atmosphere to work as a team, and teach them to plan and make choices.

Eco Club

Eco Club: RISHS believes in creating an ever-green environment for the learners. In order to make the learners realize the importance of a healthy environment, we engage the learners to perform various activities in the ‘Eco-club’ The learners are made to make posters and PPT’s on ‘Healthy Environment’, Make the ‘Best out of Waste’ and campaign around the school campus on the necessity of keeping the environment clean. Field trips to Eco-Parks are also arranged which enable the learners to enjoy nature’s beauty and initiate in them the passion for growing plants in and around their locality which would make our environment clean and green.

Eco Club at RISHS International CBSE School Mangadu

Co-curricular activities Images